Sacramento River wild rainbow trout fishing is awesome in August!
August is rapidly approaching and its a special time of the year to fish for Sacramento River wild rainbow trout. After the annual closure of the trophy trout water 5.5 miles below Keswick Dam, August 1st brings the opening of this section of the Sacramento River and boy is the fishing good! Last year I recorded 313 trout my clients caught and released the first 7 days after the opener on August 1st. This has become one of my favorite seasons and we have a blast catching dozens and dozens of rainbows almost every day in August. Like any pressured fishery, the great fishing will cool off after these trout get caught and fished over repeatedly, but its still quite good through the new year.
This is a great trip for families!
I use light action gear for these feisty trout which makes catching them an absolute blast! I normally spend the day drifting small Dick Nite spoons, but I won't hesitate to break out the plugs if the spoon bite is slow. Plugs catch big fish and my clients caught a lot last year. The bottom line is that we always catch great fish in August and thats what has made this such a popular trip for many of my returning clients. I'm so grateful to be able to share this great fishing opportunity with my clients, both new and old. No fishing experience or skill is required to catch these trout. In fact some of my most inexperienced clients out fish the veterans in the boat. If you would like to see what all the hype is about, give me a call or send me a message and I will get your day on the river with me finalized. You'll be talking about this trip long after your day on the water!
Pure fishing fun on the Sacramento River!