Shasta Lake trophy brown caught this week trolling Pautzke Fire Brine Shad!
Shasta Lake has been fishing pretty good for brown trout so far this winter, but the best fishing is yet to come! Water temps are hovering around 50 deg's and the lake is on the rise. Rising water in Shasta means big logs and wood debris on the surface so watch out for these hazzards when running the lake, especially at high speeds. Not a lot of debris yet but there are definitely some widow makers floating around now. We've been catching multiple browns every trip this winter and as the big adults come back down into the lake after spawning, we'll surely see some bigger browns biting which means more in my net! We're bouncing around the lake looking for big browns, but in most cases we're finding them where we usually do. Todays browns came from 20' on a single downrigger, three colors of leadcore, and we caught some rainbows up high with 1-2 ounces of lead on a snap weight. We will be fishing Shasta weekly now through August and will keep everyone updated as the seasons progress. We still have some available dates in Feb-March-April if you're looking for that big Shasta Lake brown. We don't ALWAYS catch the trophies, but there's ALWAYS a chance we will, and Shasta is loaded with them!
Full top and a heater in our 24’ fishing machine makes for a very comfortable day on the lake!