Jenn with a great King salmon she caught with us on Shasta Lake!
July is off to a good start in many ways, but we’re still waiting for the trout bite to take off again. Fortunately, we have seen a definite increase in the King salmon fishing and the new Kings in the system are continuing to grow. We’ve had trips this past week that yielded over 25 Kings hooked in a single morning. Mostly salmon under 12”, but some up to 5 lbs have been caught. The Shad in Shasta haven’t really shown up in big numbers yet, but when they do, let the feeding begin! We’ll see a good growth spurt this summer and I feel great about the King salmon fishing opportunities we’ll see on Shasta Lake next year. in addition to a good number of available King salmon, we will have the first year of adult Kokanee spawners around next year as well.
Some of this information is about what next season will bring, but its relevant because of what we’re seeing right now on the lake. Some days have been really good for salmon, especially when we get on the water early and target the Kings specifically! Mid August most of the team will be headed to the Sacramento River for our King salmon season so getting in on some Shasta Lake fishing this month into next is the timeframe to consider when booking your Shasta Lake trip. The trout fishing should be very good soon and the salmon this year are definitely a bonus!
Capt. Jeff G.