Captain Jeff Brady has been down in Colusa fishing the Sacramento River for Striped Bass. We want our clients to have a great time fishing with us so we put in the time before the season starts to make sure we are on top of the best fishing possible.
March is just a few days away and even though it feels like May with all this great weather, we’re still a few weeks away from seeing an upswing in the Striper populations in the Colusa area of the Sacramento River. Releases from Shasta Lake into the Sacramento River have been bumped up a bit but we’re going to need some water for not only our Striped Bass migration, but also for our King salmon smolt releases from Coleman National Fish Hatchery in March and April. Pulse flows or a high water event is very helpful in bringing Striped bass up into the Sacramento River system, but it also aids in the outmigration of our baby King salmon.
Captain Jeff Brady has been fishing for Striped bass down near Colusa and he reports more bass are being found daily. Its really early in the game, but reassuring that we’re seeing some Stripers in the low flows this winter. Jeff has been drifting minnows and trolling diving plugs for the Striped bass. Both techniques are fun and the Striped bass really hit these presentations hard. It always surprises me just how hard these Stripers pull. We’re in for a great season so stay tuned and I’ll keep the reports coming!
Capt. Jeff