11/24/20- November rainbow trout caught this week on Shasta Lake!
Its time to start thinking winter trout fishing on Shasta Lake. We’ve been out searching for the best fishing on Shasta and we’ve been finding the rainbows and browns the past few trips. The lake has cooled off and we are finding most of the trout down 5’-20’ deep. Thats about normal for this time of the year. We are trolling with side planers mostly trying to keep our gear as far away as we can to keep from spooking the fish. We will be booking our Shasta Lake trout and salmon fishing trips beginning in January. We’ve already started filling dates so the sooner you get a call in to Jaynie, the better dates you will have to choose from. We’ll be fishing for trout primarily until late March and then we’ll start targeting big spring browns and King or Kokanee salmon by April thru early summer. We had a great time fishing on Shasta Lake this year and are really looking forward to fishing Shasta Lake again in 2021!