Big rainbows like the one pictured here are caught daily in August-Spetember on Shasta Lake.
Well, its that time of year again and I'd say we have hit the prime time on Shasta Lake for big rainbow trout. These beauties are only available in the summer so you have to get them while they are gorging themselves on the plentiful shad schools on the system. With surface water temps hovering around 80 degrees, its important to have the equipment to go down deep to get these fish consistently. We have all the tricks of the trade dialed in and the equipment to get the job done. We do chase the big fish this time of the year so we don't always catch 30-40 fish a day, but we average at least 15-20 fish days right now and they are all big fat trout.
Although this isn't considered to be the best time of the year for big browns, we certainly catch more than our share and have caught browns over 5-7 lbs regularly this summer. My thoughts are to take advantage of the big rainbows while they are here because by October when the lake cools and eventually turns over, the big adult rainbows will be looking for the spawning grounds. Not only will the big browns be dropping eggs over their spawning redds for the trout to feed on, but they themselves will be preparing for their own spawn Jan-May.
The first of the big rainbows will start to show up in the lake again by May. Note the damage to the tail of this big post spawn hen (female). This what happens to these fish when the fan the gravel in the creeks and rivers when preparing their spawning beds before depositing their eggs.
Although we fish Shasta Lake year round and find some great fishing most months of the year, I can assure you that now is the time to get out on Shasta and experience some of the fastest big fish action of the year, Sure, we catch big fish all the time and are always hunting trophies, but there is definitely something special about this time of the year. Many of our competitors will only fish Shasta during the summer because its so much easier to put people on good fishing.
We've had a bit of bad luck this season with the wild fires in northern California and our area has been impacted directly. I can assure you though, that the good fishing has not been compromised. There have been a few smokey days on Shasta Lake so far this past few weeks, but most days see a morning breeze which clears up the area over the lake when the fishing is usually at its best. I've stayed plenty busy, but the evacuations and trip cancellations have created some openings I wouldn't normally have this time of the year. Shasta Lake is a world class fishing destination and as I bring more attention to the great fishing we see here, mote and more people will discover its bountiful fish populations and will surely take advantage of the services we provide the angling community.
Sunrise on Shasta Lake is a magical time!